KCS - Productivity Tools and Custom Applications for AutoCAD Krupa CADD Solutions
  Productivity Tools and Custom Applications for AutoCAD


What's New
New features and revisions introduced, by version number. For complete features, click here.

1.94   (4/10/19)
* Tested for R2020
* Tested for R2023
* Not dependent on AutoCAD version

1.93   (4/1/17)
* Tested for R2018
* Possible lockup at startup fixed.

1.92   (4/29/16)
* Icons updated for R2017 display
* Dim extension linetype control added (R2017+ only)
* Dim extension visibility toggle added

1.91   (11/14/15)
* Dark theme support added (for R2015+)
* TextBox fixed (when editing the text)

1.9   (8/27/14)
* BattIns error fixed

1.8   (5/8/13)
* SS (Strecth Selected) macro added
* Auto-layer reactor for Symbols now handle placing from palette
* Edit button added fo Macros dialog
* Updated for Trusted Paths security feature (R2014+)
* Default install location now C:\Kcs_ACAD (to avoid permissions and other problems)

1.7  (4/3/12)
* Layer Snapshot fixes and improvements:
  - Lineweights fixed
  - Truecolors now supported
  - Apply now recognizes bound xref layers ("*$?$*") as well as normal xref layers ("*|*")
  - Layer properties (color, linetype, etc.) in snapshot can now be applied to viewports (as well as VP Freeze status)
  - New options provided for Apply in paperspace, for added control
* Options and Welcome do not display if running a script
* Update check button added to KCS Options > Info

1.6  (9/23/10)
* Updates for AutoCAD R2011 compatibility. 
* Updated for Windows7 compatibility 
* Macros now categorized 
* Misc Bug fixes

1.5  (5/13/09)
* Updates for AutoCAD R2010 compatibility. 
* Updated for 64-bit compatibility (program and Installation)
* Ribbon interface added for R2009 & R2010
* Compatible with non-English AutoCAD

1.4  (Not released)

1.3 (4/08/08)
Update for R2009. 
New installation runs on 64 bit systems.
Problem resolved for missing icons on toolbars.
Mechanical Dimensioning tools added.

1.2 (4/26/07)
Update for R2008, including support for Annotative property on text and dimensions.
Minor bug fixes.

1.1 (4/14/06)
Minor update for R2007.
Minor bug fixes.

1.0 (12/5/2005)
Initial release for AutoCAD versions R2000 thru R2006.

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