What's New
New features and revisions introduced,
by version number. For complete features, click
1.94 (4/10/19)
* Tested for R2020
* Tested for R2023
* Not dependent on AutoCAD version
1.93 (4/1/17)
* Tested for R2018
* Possible
lockup at startup fixed.
1.92 (4/29/16)
* Icons updated for R2017 display
* Dim
extension linetype control added (R2017+ only)
* Dim
extension visibility toggle added
1.91 (11/14/15)
* Dark theme support added (for R2015+)
* TextBox fixed (when editing the text)
1.9 (8/27/14)
* BattIns error fixed
1.8 (5/8/13)
* SS (Strecth Selected) macro added
* Auto-layer reactor for Symbols now handle placing from palette
* Edit button added fo Macros dialog
* Updated for Trusted Paths security feature (R2014+)
* Default install location now C:\Kcs_ACAD (to avoid permissions and other problems)
1.7 (4/3/12)
* Layer Snapshot fixes and improvements:
- Lineweights fixed
- Truecolors now supported
- Apply now recognizes bound xref layers ("*$?$*") as well as normal xref layers ("*|*")
- Layer properties (color, linetype, etc.) in snapshot can now be applied to viewports (as well as VP Freeze status)
- New options provided for Apply in paperspace, for added control
* Options and Welcome do not display if running a script
* Update check button added to KCS Options > Info
1.6 (9/23/10)
* Updates for AutoCAD R2011
* Updated for Windows7 compatibility
* Macros now categorized
* Misc Bug fixes
1.5 (5/13/09)
* Updates for AutoCAD R2010
* Updated for 64-bit compatibility (program
and Installation)
* Ribbon interface added for R2009 & R2010
* Compatible with non-English AutoCAD
1.4 (Not
1.3 (4/08/08)
Update for R2009.
New installation runs on 64 bit systems.
Problem resolved for missing icons on toolbars.
Mechanical Dimensioning tools
1.2 (4/26/07)
Update for R2008, including support for
Annotative property on text and dimensions.
Minor bug fixes.
1.1 (4/14/06)
Minor update for R2007.
Minor bug fixes.
1.0 (12/5/2005)
Initial release for AutoCAD versions
R2000 thru R2006.