KCS Productivity Pack For AEC

Current version: 9.5.9, Release date: 5/8/24
What's New

An add-on CAD utility package for use with AutoCAD Architecture (or AutoCAD MEP). It contains a robust suite of additional commands, along with plug-in features that enhance your work in these AutoCAD programs. A few highlights includes a Ceiling Grid Generator, Auto-Layering for annotation layers, dozens of keyboard macros, point aids, and much more. See the KCS Help for complete descriptions of all features of these productivity tools. You might also want to check out some comments from existing users

The KCS Productivity Pack is now a free trial version, with no time limit, and which may be authorized upon purchasing. All features are included whether authorized or not. The free version displays a "welcome" screen at each drawing opening. Authorizing eliminates this screen, and is available for a nominal charge. 

NOTE: The current version is compatible with ACA R2010 and later. It is not compatible with prior versions

Pricing:     Single seat:  $50 US         Site License:  $200 US

Download KCS Productivity Pack for AEC (v9.5.

This is a dual purpose installation file, depending on the KCS you may already have installed, as follows:

* If you do not have KCS_AEC installed, this file will install the free version.

* If you have previously purchased and authorized the program, this file, with all latest revisions will be compatible with your current AutoCAD Architecture. 

* This update is free for authorized 9.5 users,

If updating, you can install this update right over your existing installation - you need not uninstall first, but you may wish to do so. Reason: It has been found that KCS toolbars often cannot be displayed when installed under \Program Files. The now preferred location (C:\Kcs_AEC) solves this problem.

Purchase a License for KCS*
VisaMasterCardAmerican Express
*NOTE: Purchase of a license is done on a secure site. 
If you prefer not to make the transaction electronically, contact us for alternate arrangements.

Comments From Existing Users

These are a few of many unsolicited comments we have received:

"the best ceiling grid routine that I have seen" - H. Edward Goldberg, A.I.A ("Inside Architectural Desktop" article, CADALYST magazine)  

"the Ceiling Grid tool is WORTH IT WEIGHT IN GOLD!!!" - Gregory D. Kiesewetter (Shive-Hattery, Inc) 

"The mark of  a great peice of software is how much you miss it when it's not there. You have the best tools around". - Phil Shoop, A.I.A 

"Terrific product. I realize how good it is whenever I update ACAD and do not yet have KCS. Thanks again". - Marvin Michalsen (Johnson & Michalsen, Architects)  

"Great tools, work seamlessly and the macros are customizable...a real plus!" - Curtis E Smock (Creo Design, Inc.) 

"Awsome product!  Keep up the good work". - Matthew Kyle (KEPHART Architects) 

"I have become so adicted to your program I am lost without it." - Bert Elliot, (Elliott Associates) 

"Love your program!!!!" - Hannah Reynolds (Maurer Architecture) 
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